Meet our TLC Ambassadors
Australia is facing an alarming trades skilled shortage and Australia is approaching the lowest level of apprentice commencements since the late-1990s and the number of females commencing an apprenticeship of any type fell by 12.2% from 2016 to 2020 with women only representing approximately 3% of skilled tradespeople nationally.
It is through women like our TLC Ambassadors who are helping to spread the word, encourage other women to enter the industry and support them to work through any challenges they face.
TLC is a community and we are here to support all female tradies and apprentices on their journey.

“I was introduced to the Tradie Lady Club as a 1st-year
apprentice. My first event I was so nervous as I knew no one,
but I was blown away by how friendly and inviting everyone was!
Like an immediate family. 3 years later and I have so many amazing
friendships, and have always felt so seen and supported throughout
my trade experience.”

Mechanic turned Coach for Tradeswomen
Mechanic turned Coach for Tradeswomen
“The TLC is the community I wish I had when I started my
apprenticeship in 2012. Having people that look like you in
similar careers as you and who support you through the amazing
times and the not-so-amazing times. Women in this community have
become lifelong friends and I know these connections are happening
for so many women in the TLC."
apprenticeship in 2012. Having people that look like you in
similar careers as you and who support you through the amazing
times and the not-so-amazing times. Women in this community have
become lifelong friends and I know these connections are happening
for so many women in the TLC."

Leading Hand Electrician (and mum of 3 daughters)
Leading Hand Electrician (and mum of 3 daughters)
“Finding the TLC has been great for networking with other
tradie ladies, bouncing ideas and generally supporting each
other with the wins and the bad days. Knowing we are all going
through this ride together and showing we’ve got this is great for
your confidence and validation. Let’s keep raising each other up!”
tradie ladies, bouncing ideas and generally supporting each
other with the wins and the bad days. Knowing we are all going
through this ride together and showing we’ve got this is great for
your confidence and validation. Let’s keep raising each other up!”

Qualified Automotive Refinisher (Spraypainter)
Qualified Automotive Refinisher (Spraypainter)
“TLC has connected me with many new girlfriends, some who
are now my best friends. Girls who understand, and get you
on all levels. A place to not be judged, but loved... Its not just about
women in trades, but making friendships along the way and guiding
each other to growing outside our comfort zones.”
are now my best friends. Girls who understand, and get you
on all levels. A place to not be judged, but loved... Its not just about
women in trades, but making friendships along the way and guiding
each other to growing outside our comfort zones.”